There's so much to talk about! First of all, last night was the first night without his pacifier! I've been telling Milo for a few days that plugs (that's what we call them) break, and last night, what do you know, but his broke! He was fine with it, it was his idea to throw them away! He also fell asleep without a problem. This morning when I went in to get him, he was asking me where they were (he slept with 2) and kept telling me that they were lost. I reminded him that they broke and he ran into the kitchen and looked in the trash can, seeing that they were still in there, broken. He was fine after that. He is currently in his crib to take his nap, and we'll see how it goes, he's talking and singing right now. I'm hoping he falls asleep soon!
The last few days Milo's thrown a royal fit when he doesn't get his way (yeah). He also thinks that saying, "now" is going to get him somewhere! For instance, he was upstairs with Jesse yesterday and wanted the tv on. Jesse told him no, and Milo said, "Manny, on, NOW!". I started laughing when I heard it, but needless to say, he didn't get his way.
We went to Cleveland on Saturday to see family in from Israel and Colorado, and then went to Chicago on Monday to Shedd's Aquarium, since it was a free day. We had a great time in Cleveland and it was great to see everyone! Monday was fun, although Milo's temper kicked in while we were there. Milo loved the beluga whales, and that was what he bought him, he now sleeps with it and shares his snacks with it!
This morning we went to Papa Murphy's for Milo to make his own pizza, and for a 2 year-old, he did a fine job. He just wanted to eat the sausage instead of put it on his pizza, but he managed to leave a few pieces on there!

We took Milo to a Silverhawk's game awhile ago and he really liked it. He now knows that after they play a little bit of music he's to say, "charge!". I think his picture is hilarious because he looks so serious and with the hood on, he looks like Mary J. Blige.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and enjoys fall!
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