We've had a fun week! First of all, we are totally pacifier free!! Nap time was rough in the beginning, although bedtime was no problem at all. The last few days he's been falling asleep within half an hour of being laid down at nap time, he hasn't gone to sleep that quickly in weeks! He also falls asleep in the car around nap time without a problem. Jesse and I are very happy.
On Wednesday we went to a pumpkin decorating party with our Mother's & More group. It was such a beautiful day that we spent the whole party outside! The only downfall to the party was that Milo got stung by a wasp while we were putting the face on the pumpkin. The wasp barely get him, but he screamed for a minute, yelling, "BUG! BUG!" His finger swelled a bit, but he's fine.
Milo's going to be a monkey for Halloween, we've borrowed a costume from our friend, Amy. He gets to wear the costume tomorrow (Sunday) for Little Zoo Boo, and then on Halloween. For our Mother's group party, he's going to be Handy Manny, since the party's inside. I'm going to be Kelly, who runs the hardware store (how perfect, she has red hair!).

Milo trying on the monkey suit. He loved it and wore it for about 15 minutes, playing.

Milo was playing Friday morning and told me that his scooter was stuck and out of gas. This is him putting more gas into it. He cracked me up!

Milo decorating his pumpkin at Mary's. This is moments before the wasp stung him. After the pumpkins were decorated we lined all the kids up along the fence, with their pumpkins for a picture. Before I could get my camera ready, Milo got up and went to play, so the picture is of all the kids minus Milo, but his pumpkin is in the picture!
Last weekend we went to Leininger Farms and went through the corn maze and got our pumpkins. This is Milo and Hunter in the wagon to go find pumpkins.

Milo hitching a ride through the corn maze. We thought he would run through the maze, but he was more interested in being carried (and of course we thought he'd enjoy free running and left the stroller in the car.).

Milo trying to pick out his pumpkin. He would go to all these different piles, try to pick one up, and tell us it was too heavy. This is the only picture I got of him actually attempting to pick one up.

Peeking out of the pumpkin face!

Today we went to Heston Steam Train Museum in La Porte. With as much as Milo loves trains, we knew this was a good idea. The weather was AWFUL, but we all had a great time. It did nothing but rain and was probably 45 degrees. Oh well. They have a bunch of old trains that people can climb on (but not go in). This is Milo driving a train.

Daddy and Milo standing next to one of the tractors. Grandma Jeannie loves cows, so this one is for her. Don't you love that Jesse and Milo are both giving thumbs up?

Me and Milo on the Ghost Train! It is a 2.5 mile ride through a forest and is great for all ages. While the train was moving Milo danced/rocked in his seat. It was also relaxing because once he put his head on Jesse and just leaned back.
We have a fun week ahead of us, too, with Little Zoo Boo, the Mothers & More Halloween party and Halloween on Saturday!
Happy Halloween!
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