Thursday, October 29, 2009

Little Zoo Boo, Pumpkins, and a New Tool Box

On Sunday we went to Little Zoo Boo here in South Bend and it was PACKED! The kids had a good time, though, Milo would hold out his hand for the candy, say "Thank you" and then put it in his bag. I thought it was hilarious! One woman handed him a lemon ball and he looked at it and said, "sour", which I know I've never said around him! We've never had them in the house!

Milo sitting on Mommy's car waiting for the Striegel's to show up. This is the closest I got him looking at the camera.

Me and Milo at Little Zoo Boo.

We carved our pumpkins last night. This is Milo helping Daddy carve his pumpkin. It was so cute because Jesse would draw different kinds of eyes, nose, and mouths on the board and Milo picked them out. Then Jesse drew the face on the pumpkin, Milo approved, and the carving began!
Milo with his finished pumpkin. Once again he wouldn't smile directly into the camera!

Our pumpkins out back with candles in them. Awesome!

Milo with the pumpkins.

When Jesse found out that Milo was going to be Handy Manny for our party Friday he ran out to the garage and made this tool box! Awesome! It looks very much like Manny's.

Milo carrying his tool box. He likes to put other things in it besides tools, like remotes for the tv and stereo!

I can't wait until our Halloween party tomorrow and trick or treating on Saturday!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

More Fun

We've had a fun week! First of all, we are totally pacifier free!! Nap time was rough in the beginning, although bedtime was no problem at all. The last few days he's been falling asleep within half an hour of being laid down at nap time, he hasn't gone to sleep that quickly in weeks! He also falls asleep in the car around nap time without a problem. Jesse and I are very happy.

On Wednesday we went to a pumpkin decorating party with our Mother's & More group. It was such a beautiful day that we spent the whole party outside! The only downfall to the party was that Milo got stung by a wasp while we were putting the face on the pumpkin. The wasp barely get him, but he screamed for a minute, yelling, "BUG! BUG!" His finger swelled a bit, but he's fine.

Milo's going to be a monkey for Halloween, we've borrowed a costume from our friend, Amy. He gets to wear the costume tomorrow (Sunday) for Little Zoo Boo, and then on Halloween. For our Mother's group party, he's going to be Handy Manny, since the party's inside. I'm going to be Kelly, who runs the hardware store (how perfect, she has red hair!).

Milo trying on the monkey suit. He loved it and wore it for about 15 minutes, playing.

Milo was playing Friday morning and told me that his scooter was stuck and out of gas. This is him putting more gas into it. He cracked me up!

Milo decorating his pumpkin at Mary's. This is moments before the wasp stung him. After the pumpkins were decorated we lined all the kids up along the fence, with their pumpkins for a picture. Before I could get my camera ready, Milo got up and went to play, so the picture is of all the kids minus Milo, but his pumpkin is in the picture!

Last weekend we went to Leininger Farms and went through the corn maze and got our pumpkins. This is Milo and Hunter in the wagon to go find pumpkins.

Milo hitching a ride through the corn maze. We thought he would run through the maze, but he was more interested in being carried (and of course we thought he'd enjoy free running and left the stroller in the car.).

Milo trying to pick out his pumpkin. He would go to all these different piles, try to pick one up, and tell us it was too heavy. This is the only picture I got of him actually attempting to pick one up.

Peeking out of the pumpkin face!

Today we went to Heston Steam Train Museum in La Porte. With as much as Milo loves trains, we knew this was a good idea. The weather was AWFUL, but we all had a great time. It did nothing but rain and was probably 45 degrees. Oh well. They have a bunch of old trains that people can climb on (but not go in). This is Milo driving a train.

Daddy and Milo standing next to one of the tractors. Grandma Jeannie loves cows, so this one is for her. Don't you love that Jesse and Milo are both giving thumbs up?

Me and Milo on the Ghost Train! It is a 2.5 mile ride through a forest and is great for all ages. While the train was moving Milo danced/rocked in his seat. It was also relaxing because once he put his head on Jesse and just leaned back.

We have a fun week ahead of us, too, with Little Zoo Boo, the Mothers & More Halloween party and Halloween on Saturday!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So much to catch up on!

There's so much to talk about! First of all, last night was the first night without his pacifier! I've been telling Milo for a few days that plugs (that's what we call them) break, and last night, what do you know, but his broke! He was fine with it, it was his idea to throw them away! He also fell asleep without a problem. This morning when I went in to get him, he was asking me where they were (he slept with 2) and kept telling me that they were lost. I reminded him that they broke and he ran into the kitchen and looked in the trash can, seeing that they were still in there, broken. He was fine after that. He is currently in his crib to take his nap, and we'll see how it goes, he's talking and singing right now. I'm hoping he falls asleep soon!

The last few days Milo's thrown a royal fit when he doesn't get his way (yeah). He also thinks that saying, "now" is going to get him somewhere! For instance, he was upstairs with Jesse yesterday and wanted the tv on. Jesse told him no, and Milo said, "Manny, on, NOW!". I started laughing when I heard it, but needless to say, he didn't get his way.

We went to Cleveland on Saturday to see family in from Israel and Colorado, and then went to Chicago on Monday to Shedd's Aquarium, since it was a free day. We had a great time in Cleveland and it was great to see everyone! Monday was fun, although Milo's temper kicked in while we were there. Milo loved the beluga whales, and that was what he bought him, he now sleeps with it and shares his snacks with it!

This morning we went to Papa Murphy's for Milo to make his own pizza, and for a 2 year-old, he did a fine job. He just wanted to eat the sausage instead of put it on his pizza, but he managed to leave a few pieces on there!

We took Milo to a Silverhawk's game awhile ago and he really liked it. He now knows that after they play a little bit of music he's to say, "charge!". I think his picture is hilarious because he looks so serious and with the hood on, he looks like Mary J. Blige.

Milo waiting his turn to make his pizza this morning. He loves pumpkins and kept touching this one. We are going this weekend to get him a pumpkin and go through a corn maze!

Milo making his pizza at Papa Murphy's!

Milo testing the cake batter for Grandma Elaine's birthday cake. I think it was good!

Milo wanted his own mug of coffee the other morning. Since he went and got the mug himself, the least I could do was barely turn the milk brown with coffee! Have I mentioned that he drinks EVERYTHING, sweetened or not???? He left like such a big boy while drinking out of his own mug.

A few weeks ago (obviously since we were all in shorts) we went for a walk at The Res, a little park around here. I like this picture because of Milo wearing Jesse's sunglasses.

Milo playing in the creek at The Res. He did step in the water and soak his shoes. These poor shoes have been wet more than they've been dry! They are now the play-outside-to-stay-dirty-shoes.

Jesse and Milo at Soldier Field in Chicago. This picture was taken just for Uncle Josh and Aunt Brooke!

Milo trying to move the big stone at the Field Museum in Chicago. It's so cute to see kids think that they can really move it! Milo even went up to the stone and pushed on it, telling us that it was stuck.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the week and enjoys fall!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Yeah, Fall is Here!

Yeah, it's October and Fall is here! The temperatures have finally cooled down and the leaves are starting to change!

Milo is stringing more and more words together, not necessarily in order, but they're great to hear! He was watching "Handy Manny" on Sunday and looked at me and said, "Fix it right" as they were singing the song. It just amazes me when he says things correctly.

About a month ago we went over to our friend's house to help them put together their remodeled kitchen. While we were doing that, Milo and Kassidy were outside playing in the sandbox. Kassidy decided she didn't want her nightgown on anymore and once she was only in her diaper, Milo had to be that way, too. What's funny about this is that Milo always wants his clothes on! So anyway, Milo wanted his shoes and socks left on and they went and played some more. I finally got them to come over and I took their picture together (which Erin and I try to do often because they're only 6 days apart). It's just crazy their size difference!

Milo and Kassidy in their diapers. We realized that Milo's almost a full head taller than Kassidy!
Milo before I stripped him down. I love all of the sand on his face!

This last weekend we went to Fort Wayne and went to the zoo for St. Francis Day (my sister's college). My dad has more pictures that I don't have yet!

Milo enjoying the tent in the new African area.
Random picture in the middle....One of my friends suggested making pudding the consistency of finger paint for the kids to play in. I tried it one morning and Milo had no interest in playing in it. He knew it was pudding and wanted a spoon and plate. This only lasted about 5 minutes, then he was done.
Back to the zoo....Milo and Maizie sitting on a frog statue. I thought it was a good one of them both looking at the camera!

Milo loved playing the drums in the African area! He cried when we had to leave, actually he threw a fit. Maizie was hilarious because as my mom was playing the drum, she was running around saying she was doing the "run dance" which was just running in circles!

Jesse FINALLY got his office at work! He can't believe how big it is compared to his cube! He's still adjusting but liking it.

Have a great week!