Happy July to everyone! We've had fun fruit picking and hanging out! These pictures are NOT in order, so please bear with me during the descriptions.
Over Father's Day weekend we went camping with the Tibbs down in Brown County, Indiana, and since it's only about 30 minutes from IU, we had to go there and walk around.
I only have video of Lena laughing at Milo jumping on the poppers from the 4th of July, but you have to believe us, it's adorable! She loves Milo to death, she always looks for him the minute she wakes up and missed him bunches when he went with Daddy to work on the boat. She was so happy to have him home (although she loved playing with things in peace and quiet).
Lena also has 2 teeth now!!! She is doing great with teething, no fussing, and I wouldn't have even known the first one was there without sticking my finger in her mouth (thank goodness she hasn't bitten me yet!).
Now, onto the pictures!!!

Milo fishing while we were camping. Apparently he didn't catch any fish, a turtle kept eating the bait, and Daddy got a bobber stuck in a tree while trying to cast.

All of us (minus Jesse) going on a hay ride around Brown County! L-R: Me, Lena, Milo, Kamden, Kennedy, Erin, Kassidy, Jeremy, and Keegan.

We went to Michigan City a few weekends ago to go to the zoo and a car museum, and there was a putt putt course above the museum. Jesse was so awesome that he was able to golf while carrying Lena. Milo loved putt putting, too!

Me and Milo at the car museum.

Poor Jesse carried Milo AND Lena up one flight of stairs at the end of a hike down at Brown County. It was a cute photo-opt, though!

A playground in the Michigan City zoo. They raced down the slide, I can't remember who won. :)

Milo feeding the goats. Why are goats always hungry???

We went cherry picking last week and it WORE Milo out! He loved it, though, and told us on the way home that everyone needs to go cherry picking!

Frank Farms is where we went cherry picking and they have built this awesome croc/alligator thing for kids to climb on. Milo in the creature's mouth.

Lena wasn't being very cooperative for this month's picture, I say she's my Little Budda Lena!

Milo and Lena under a cherry tree! By the way, I made an AWESOME cherry pie!

First time that Lena was carried on the back and Jesse's first time cherry picking!

This is Lena's first hike and needless to say, she LOVED it! She was like this the whole time!

All of the kids while on the hike!

This is how Lena likes to play with Milo's darts. We don't let her do it anymore because she could chew off the hard part, if it she did it long enough.

We also went strawberry picking about a month ago. We made some yummy jam!!! I, however, may never actually pick again, I broke out in hives wherever my arms hit the plants, and itched for 5-6 days. So, unless I can wear long sleeves and gloves, I won't be picking anymore.

Lena playing on Milo's new booster seat while Jesse was putting it together. I love the expression!

Lena loves to sit in my little rocker! Sometimes she just stands in front of it and rocks it.
Jesse has his first boat race this weekend, good luck to him!!! Milo is going with, it'll be the first time he's been away from me. :( I'll try not to worry too much, he's in good hands!
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