I am SO excited about this weather! I went outside for a second this morning and even though it was a bit cool, the sun was shining and there were birds chirping, horray!!!
Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day so the kids and I had some green on and spent a lot of the day either gone or playing outside! Milo and I even split a Shamrock Shake, delicious!
Lena is now 5 months old, where has the time gone??? She sits up by herself (with the boppy behind her just in case she decides to flop, which does happen), loves the Johnny Jump-Up, playing in the saucer, and is FINALLY back to sleeping at least 10 hours straight at night. After she got sick back in January it took over a month for her to sleep really well again. She absolutely LOVES her big brother and grins every time she sees him. Don't worry, the feeling's mutual, Milo always tells her "sweet dreams" at nap time and asks her how her "sweet dreams" were when she wakes up.
Lena does only nap for 30-45 minutes at a time and then is only up for 1.5-2 hours before she goes back down. I can't complain since she's happy when she wakes up and is sleeping through the night! She is still eating every 2 hours, though. Ugh. We will start her on cereal on her 6 month birthday. Jesse's excited because that means he gets to help even more! What a great dad, he wants to be involved in every aspect of our children's lives!
Here are some pictures from the last month and a half:

My big, pretty girl sitting up by herself, enjoying the nice weather!

Have a great weekend!!!
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