Happy Thursday! Boy, do I hope these "warm" temperatures continue to stick around, I am ready for spring!!
In the last two weeks we've gained a nephew, Lena has started eating cereal, and Milo is FINALLY showing an interest in writing and drawing (okay, it's been one day, but a girl/former teacher can dream, right?).
My sister, Stacy, had a baby boy, Joseph (Joey) Elliot on March 21 at a healthy 9 lbs 3 oz and 20.5 inches long. He's a sweet little thing that loves to be held, and anyone who knows my husband knows that he was a baby hog for the short time he was in Fort Wayne last weekend. :)
Here are some new pictures:

Lena wearing the bunny ears.

Milo in the bunny ears and doing his "check" face. He clicks his tongue, winks, says "check", and makes a check sign with his hand. It cracks us up and I thought our friend was going to die of laughter when he did it for her at lunch one day. Once he realized Colleen thought it was funny he kept doing it, HILARIOUS!!!

This is Milo's first full-body drawing!!! It's a picture of me, can't you tell??? Hey, it has a head, hair, arms and feet, I'll take it! You can also see the "A" that he drew right under it, that was all on his own!

After he wrote his name (not pictured), I asked him if he wanted to write "Lena" and he said yes. I suggested to him that he trace my letters but he just looked at them and wrote his own. We did go one letter at a time.

Lena and Joey! What a size difference 5.5 months makes!

Milo drew this race car first. He's NEVER drawn a car before, so Jesse and I were both very excited. The only thing he's really drawn in the past that anyone can recognize is a smiley face, although in almost all cards he draws a bunch of crazy lines that he says is a roller coaster.

Lena started on cereal a week ago and she's slowly getting the hang of it. I waited until Milo's 6 month birthday to start him on it, but with Lena I felt like she desired it more. She stares at you like a dog waiting for you to drop food and doesn't take a bottle well like Milo did when I try and go out, so hopefully this will help. This was Milo's first time helping to feed her.
We are hopefully going out Saturday morning to watch 4H launch some rockets-Milo doesn't know yet, his head might explode if we tell him too far ahead! I will try and remember the camera...