Okay, I haven't put up pictures in awhile, so please bear with me and the 16 I just put on here! Of course they're not in order, either... :)
Lena had her 2-month check-up yesterday and she's healthy! She's 11 lbs 14 oz, up exactly two pounds from last month. She's 23.5 inches long, too, up half an inch. She also got three shots, boo. She screamed her little head off for about a minute, then was fine. She also chose yesterday to start coo-ing a TON! She was very smiley and chatty yesterday, which was great! Jesse was playing a game with Milo last night while she started "talking" to me and Milo came running out saying, "Baby sister calling for me!" So cute!
Milo's doing well, he has a new pair of boots, thanks to a friend of mine who was giving them away, and he loves to wear them! He's also still talking about when Santa comes to visit. As of yesterday he was saying that he and Santa are going to work on Daddy's broken remote control airplane. We are going to a holiday party on Friday and Santa will be there, we will have to see if Milo even talks to him.

Look! Look! She has red eyebrows!!! There may be some of me in her!!! Nothing like taking her places and EVERYONE (including MY family members) says how much she looks like Jesse. :)

Obvious...this is the only one she was smiling in, but her eyes are closed...

Jesse got to go to CA for work last week and we went to pick him up from the airport. His flight was delayed so we went in to wait and Milo loved it! He didn't want to go home. Although when we dropped Jesse off the only thing Milo could talk about as we drove away from the airport was how much he was going to miss the ipad.

We watched a Special Agent Oso one morning and he was learning to use chopsticks. Milo wanted to try some, so I gave them to him for lunch that day. He had fun trying to pick up pineapple, and he did succeed!

Smiling during tummy time. She's getting better at liking it. In the beginning she just wanted to put her head down and go to sleep, now she looks around.

Her first time in a dress!!!

Realizing there are animals that move around on the swing! Now she talks to them!

We went to Hensler's tree farm to get our Christmas tree and this is Milo playing on the train.

Jesse and Milo on the hay ride out to the back field to find our tree.

Lena while we were getting our tree.

Milo and Jesse cutting down our tree.

Me and Lena out in the field.

Obvious, again. She grew so much in a month!

Help! There's a monster in Milo's train table!!! I didn't know he had taken apart his table before and Jesse had told him not to do it again. I walked into his room to find this and thought it was hilarious! Oh well...

We went into Cleveland for the Kain Hanukkah party this last weekend and went back to "A Christmas Story" house. This is the house where they filmed a few scenes for the movie. Here's us with the infamous "leg lamp". We now have pictures of both kids at a few months old touching the butt of the leg lamp!

You know snowmen, have you ever built a "leafman"? Especially one with a Milo head?
It's snowing here, it's actually the most snow we've gotten during this week's storm. The majority of the snow hit west of 31. It's "pretty" snow now!!! We might go play in it after Jesse gets home from work.
Have a great week and stay warm!
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