Sorry I haven't been keeping up on pictures lately, I don't have a good excuse. Although Milo has been quite the little photographer, he loves to take my camera and just go around snapping photos! He's getting a lot better, too, he's actually somewhat centering the object in the box before pushing the button.
Before I forget, Milo started swimming lessons this morning! It's a parent/tot class, and I think he did a great job! He's the oldest in the class, they range anywhere from eight months to Milo. It's only 30 minutes, but he liked it and said he wants to go back next week. We were both starving and tired by the time nap time rolled around. I didn't realize how much I would have to lift him up and out of the water...he's a HEAVY almost 40 pounds.

We went strawberry picking a week ago and made two batches of jam. This is one picture that Milo took of the final product.

Milo smashing the strawberries for the jam.

I also got some rhubarb from a friend of mine and Milo helped to make strawberry rhubarb pies. YUM-O! This is Milo helping me roll out my home made crust (which is melt-in-your-mouth delicious).

With potty training sometimes Milo likes to leave off his underwear and pants and just play. I think it's cute and was able to snap this picture. He did tell me, "Hey! Don't take a picture of me!"

I made a sombrero graduation cake for my neighbor's son and of course Milo had to have some frosting...I love the smile, though.

"I've been working on the railroad...."at the Elkhart Train Museum. He also got to sit in an actual train engine with an air horn. Milo is not good with really loud noises, so while we were outside and a kid pulled the chain, Milo would jump and cry, poor guy.

Changing the light on the signal at the museum. His favorite part of the museum was the model trains that take up an entire room. I really think he stood there for at least 15 minutes watching them go. I think we'll have to take Daddy there another time. We even went to lunch with all the other moms and kids afterwards and luckily the restaurant gave us our own room. We had eight moms and 13 kids, all under the age of five...

A few weeks ago when it was really warm, Jesse and Milo were nice enough to wash my car. It was funny because the very next day Milo was telling me how dirty my car was and how he needed to wash it again. Then that weekend we were on our way home from a party in Columbus, Ohio, in Grandpa Joe's van. Grandpa got out to get gas and clean the windshield and Milo started telling me how dirty the windshield was "next week" and how he had to clean it.
We really should have known we are having a girl because a few days before the ultrasound Jesse took a picture of my belly and she was dancing around for the whole session! Jesse finally felt her move the other evening, which is always neat for him. Milo will tell you he's having a little sister, but he doesn't understand. He will in a few months, though...
Everything else is going well. Have a great week!
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