Happy belated Valentine's Day to everyone! We had a very busy weekend, we went to a friend's baby shower, went to Bella's 2nd birthday party, then had President's Day with a bowling adventure. This time bowling did not go well, so I have no pictures....Today is Jesse's 32nd birthday, though! Happy Birthday, Jesse!

Milo has really been into "painting" lately. That's what he calls any type of coloring. This picture is of him coloring a Handy Manny picture. What amazed me was that he was attempting to color certain parts of it, like the headlights or Manny's face. He can name all 5 of those colors without a problem, though!

We had the Mother's & More Valentine's party on Friday. Milo got to decorate his own bag for valentines. He loved the stamps and that's all he had on it.

The kids also got to decorate their own cupcake. yummy....(mostly because I made the cupcakes!)

We went out and played in the snow this evening. The weather was warm for snow, so it was a good time! I love this picture of the boys shoveling together. Somehow in the last week we've gotten about 9 inches of snow! It was up to Milo's knee!

Sorry this picture isn't clear, but he has a good smile! He was walking towards me to throw that snowball! He had a blast throwing snow at me and Jesse.

Jesse pulled Milo around the yard on the sled and this is one of the only decent pictures I got. It looks like Milo's about to fall off, but he didn't. He loved it and near the end he told Jesse to "slow down"! He also said it in the car the other day, but I missed it....
Have a great rest of the week!
Wow, you really did get a lot of snow! Ours came just a little at a time and the sun melted enough that we didn't have to shovel the driveway or anything.
ReplyDeleteSince he likes to "paint" have you tried watercolors? We painted on coffee filters the other day and it was a huge hit!
That's a good idea, I'll have to think about it. He's also really into stickers, he has one picture on his art desk that is covered in stickers, and he'd keep adding to it if I let him!