Monday, February 22, 2010

Roller Skating, More Snow and Creative Coloring

Happy snowy Monday to you! We got some really wet, heavy snow overnight but I won't take Milo out to play in it, he'd be soaked. Oddly enough with all the snow we've gotten this winter, this was the first snow to cause the dish to go out. Luckily we can reach it and clean it off.

Yesterday Jesse took Milo out to play and this is what they came up with:

"Mount Milo", which he needed help getting up on, but stood there all by himself showing me his shovel.

They made this fort first, it's kind of hard to see. After I took this picture Milo started knocking pieces off of it. I should've made a snowball and thrown it at him....

Milo got very creative the other night coloring. He and Daddy were coloring cars (obviously) when Milo decided that Squeeze (pliers) needed to help them. He would have Squeeze hold a crayon and then color. This is the best picture I got of him putting a crayon in Squeeze, the ones where he was coloring just didn't turn out.

We went to Tot Skate on Friday morning. He wore the skates for about 20 minutes before they blew up a bounce house and then the skates and shoes needed to come off. He didn't want them back on the rest of the time, which was fine because other kids weren't wearing theirs, either. Once Milo was used to the place he would stop and point out EVERY SINGLE red dot on the floor.....what fun!

When we first got there Milo hopped on this toy and went around the rink. He is way too big for it, but he made progress. One of my friend's husband told her he was getting a kick out of watching Milo on this toy because he wasn't going anywhere, but when we turned around to look, he was all the way across the room! He figured it out, it just took him awhile to get there.
Milo's new game of the day: I have a blanket over my legs with my feet up on the coffee table. He gets his little tunnel from when he was a baby and puts it next to my legs. He then crawls through to play under the blanket, which he calls "the storm maker". This is all thanks to a train cartoon called "Chuggington".

Have a great week!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Painting, Valentine's Day, and Playing in the Snow

Happy belated Valentine's Day to everyone! We had a very busy weekend, we went to a friend's baby shower, went to Bella's 2nd birthday party, then had President's Day with a bowling adventure. This time bowling did not go well, so I have no pictures....Today is Jesse's 32nd birthday, though! Happy Birthday, Jesse!

Milo has really been into "painting" lately. That's what he calls any type of coloring. This picture is of him coloring a Handy Manny picture. What amazed me was that he was attempting to color certain parts of it, like the headlights or Manny's face. He can name all 5 of those colors without a problem, though!

We had the Mother's & More Valentine's party on Friday. Milo got to decorate his own bag for valentines. He loved the stamps and that's all he had on it.
The kids also got to decorate their own cupcake. yummy....(mostly because I made the cupcakes!)
We went out and played in the snow this evening. The weather was warm for snow, so it was a good time! I love this picture of the boys shoveling together. Somehow in the last week we've gotten about 9 inches of snow! It was up to Milo's knee!
Sorry this picture isn't clear, but he has a good smile! He was walking towards me to throw that snowball! He had a blast throwing snow at me and Jesse.
Jesse pulled Milo around the yard on the sled and this is one of the only decent pictures I got. It looks like Milo's about to fall off, but he didn't. He loved it and near the end he told Jesse to "slow down"! He also said it in the car the other day, but I missed it....

Have a great rest of the week!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Air Zoo

Hello! We've had such an exciting time around here lately with Jesse getting his new position at work. He officially started on Monday and is very happy.

Today Milo and I went up to Portage, Michigan to the Air Zoo with our friends, Amy and Aiden (who is almost 4). This is two hangers full of old planes and aircrafts. Milo LOVED it! I couldn't get really good pictures of Milo next to the planes because it was dark in the hanger. What I thought was the coolest part was that all of the walls in the newer hanger are painted in a beautiful mural. Amy said it's the largest mural in the state of Michigan.

They also have rides that people of all ages can go on. We went on one ride and had to ask the girl to stop it because Milo wasn't comfortable with how fast and high it went. At least we tried it. He did, however, love the flight simulators! He could've stayed in there the whole time if we'd let him.
Milo in one of the flight simulators. It's one of the only pictures I have of him smiling because he'd turn his head every time I went to take his picture. Since we've been home he says he kept trying to turn the plane on.

This is the upstairs of the lobby. He just loved looking at the plane hanging from the ceiling.

The "Blue Angels" simulator. The main reason I put this picture on was because Milo was wearing the ride bracelet. When I got his first one he wouldn't wear it on his wrist, so I put it on his belt loop like when he went boat racing. I had to go back to the desk to get adult ride tickets and he wanted it put on his wrist. The man at the desk gave me a new one and Milo let him put it on and was so in awe of wearing it. He kept pulling up his sleeve like he was showing it off. So cute!
They even have a "kiddie" room where there are little rides. Milo wouldn't make this rocket move, but he sat in it and hit the other buttons.

We will definitely go back to the Air Zoo and take Daddy next time!!!

This is Milo's idea of playing lately. He turns everything over and dumps out all of his bins. least he helps to pick them up.

Have a great weekend! Go Colts!!!!