Hello! It's been awhile since my last post and I know a lot has happened, but I don't have many pictures. We went blueberry picking for the first time ever and Milo ate all that he picked off of the bush. He hasn't gotten sick of them yet, he eats the ones that we brought home almost every day!
Weather permitting we are going to go to a cattle ranch on Wednesday! Hopefully I'll get some good pictures while we're there.
Jesse raced the boat for the first time this season 2 weekends ago, he said the boat ran really well, so that's good to hear! He also went to the Brickyard race this last weekend. Milo and I are very happy that he will be home this coming weekend so we can spend time together!
The first few pictures are from when we went to Fun-n-Fitness on Friday with Mothers & More. Milo loves it there and I actually remembered the camera this time!

This is the trampoline that ALL of the other kids hop down, but Milo doesn't even want to try hopping, he just puts his arms up and runs down it! The other moms laugh, they think it's cute. What is amazing to me is that he has learned that he needs to wait in line for the trampoline! Once he's "on deck", he's standing on a star on the ground. He knows to wait until Miss Barb or I tell him that it's okay to go, then he climbs up! Good things to learn early!

Milo discovered the drinking fountain! He's never drank out of one before, but he did it himself! His friend, Noah, also discovered it for the first time, too!

This is a set of parallel bars! He remembered from last time to pick his feet up and swing! He also attempts to do it on the rings, but I don't have a picture from that.

Our neighbor's daughter, Izzy, brought home a bluegill from the lake, and while I was standing there talking to Colleen (the mom), Milo reached down and tries to grab the fish! He succeeded 3 times! He'd pull it out, show it to us, and then put it back! Awesome! Daddy arrived home for lunch just in time to see Milo do this, and couldn't wait to wash Milo's hands!

About 2 weeks ago we went up to Silver Beach in Michigan for a few hours. The water was too cold for Milo to play in, but he loved the sand! He'd get sand all over this hands and arms and then go running into the water to clean himself off, then go and play again!
Have a great week!
Fun and Fitness sounds a lot like the Gymnastics place we take Danielle, it's a great place to wear her out!