What a beautiful Friday we have here in Mishawaka! We've played outside, repotted a plant, and Milo helped me make sun tea (which he loves to drink-unsweetened-not my child!).
Jesse and Milo went for a walk a few nights ago and Milo fell down in the middle of running on the sidewalk. The result is a nicely scabbed nose! Jesse called me to come pick them up because Milo wouldn't stop crying, and as soon as Milo saw my car he stopped crying! Luckily the scratch looks worse than it is!

Milo loves to play on his strollers-collapsed or not!

Cute Maizie playing in the sandbox.

Milo took this picture himself. Of course it's of his favorite show-Handy Manny!

Milo and Aunt Justin on the bouncy slide at Cei's party.

Milo playing on the bouncy slide at Cei's party. "I will eat my way out of here!"

I LOVE this-one morning he actually wanted to go around in just a diaper and sandals. I think he's also scratching his butt....typical man, right?

Milo's new slide! He loves it and when we're playing outside he'll get to playing with something else, but as soon as it's time to go in, he says, "One more" and goes down the slide 2 or 3 more times!

Cleaning the floor with his new vacuum cleaner. He's loved "sweep sweep-ing" for a long time! When he was first starting to say words, anytime we were at a store and he saw them, he would say "sweep-sweep".
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