Happy Monday! We had a long, fun weekend in Cleveland for my cousin Andrea's bat mitzpha! Jesse, Milo, and I went in on Thursday night so that we had plenty of time at the Cleveland Zoo on Friday. There are a lot of pictures, I feel like I should apologize for them, but be glad that I've only put this many on here! These are not in any order, so it's a combination of the zoo, hanging out at Grandma Bunny's house, and the bat mitzpha reception. You will see his pacifier in most of these pictures.....he has anywhere from 3-5 teeth coming in, and since we weren't home, we lef him have it for comfort. As I write this, he's throwing a fit because I won't let him have it.

I am attempting to potty train Milo. This morning, since it was so beautiful, we went outside and I stripped him down. As we were drawing on the sidewalk with chalk, he peed. I don't think he realized what was going on until he looked down and realized something was coming out! I started laughing but he was done by the time I stood up. Well, he fell down later and this is a picture of his butt with chalk on it! What a cute little butt!

Inside the butterfly house at the zoo. Unfortunately we had to tell Milo that butterflies were yucky so that he wouldn't touch them. He'll learn someday that they're not yucky and why you're not supposed to touch them!

I rode a camel!!!! When I was in first grade we had to write what animal we wanted to ride and I wrote "camel". Well, I had forgotten about this until Brian rode a camel in Israel and I was super jealous. I can now die a happy woman!

Milo's version on cornhole at Andrea's reception!

Eating lunch at the zoo. It must have been a really good chicken nugget!

Riding on the firetruck at Grandma Bunny's. Um, you're supposed to push it, not ride on it!

Milo keeping himself entertained while we were waiting to eat dinner.

Maizie and Grandma Bunny reading a book.

Maizie fell asleep on the way to the reception and she is asleep next to the batting cages.

Milo and Emily playing. They are 4 months apart in age. Emily has the basketball and wouldn't let Milo have it back.

Milo and Maizie playing on the steps at Grandma's. There are more cute pictures but this one they're on the same step.

Daddy and Milo playing badmitton (?). Milo had a good time playing with the racket.

We could feed the sea lions at the zoo! For $1 you got 3 fish to throw over the side, so we did it! Milo actually threw 2 of the 3 fish, which shocked me!

Sleeping snow leopard.

Going up to see the gorilla and fish you had to go up this LONG ramp. You end up 80 feet above where you started. On the way back down, Jesse would let go of the stroller and Milo would throw up his arms and say, "whee".

This is the brass wolf just outside the wolf exhibit. Milo loved inside the exhibit because they had plexiglass walls with a pond, so you could see the fish and turtles, etc.
I have a wedding cake due the 4th! Everyone have a great week and weekend!