Milo and Daddy coloring Easter eggs. Milo wasn't interested for very long, at this age, who can blame him?

Easter egg hunt! Milo had a blast finding them! He cracked me up, every time he found an egg he would run to Jesse (who had the container) and say, "Thank you" and run off to find another one! He and Maizie did such an awesome job finding all 39 eggs! Okay, so I stepped on one accidentally, otherwise there would've been 40!

Finding one of the first eggs under the flowers.

Milo and Aunt Stacy coloring on the driveway.

Maizie with 3 of her found eggs!

Milo's first Peep! Way to go, eating the ears first! He ate the whole thing! He calls them "marshmallows" (I don't know how to spell what he calls it, but it's close enough!).

Finding eggs at Grandma and PawPaw Carlton's. He loved running around finding them there, too! He was an expert by then!

Milo pushing his new bubble mower! Cei liked it, too! He followed Milo all over the yard!

Milo and his new friend, Hannah (who is 2 days older than him), playing at a playground in Ft. Wayne. She lives in Ohio, so they won't get to see each other much. They had a good time and hopefully will get to play together again soon this summer!

Bella, Milo, and Lexi all eating flower suckers yesterday. Now my house is all sticky! Oh well, they loved them!

Milo trying to get on the ball at Kalei's soccer game! No, honey, you're not on the team! Any chance he could, he'd try and run on the field!
Jesse and I will celebrate our 5th anniversary on Friday! We celebrated this last weekend by going out to dinner and staying the night at a local hotel. We had a great time! We also went black light putt putting and bowling! Thanks to Jesse's parents for watching Milo for our night out!
Love the pics of the kids! :) Hannah also says "thank you when she brings us something==so weird! :) Hope you guys have a great weekend!