Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Windy Windy Day

We had a very special day today, cousin Kalei got to spend the day with us!  We went to Chuck E Cheese for lunch and played a ton!  Milo is really good at the games where you just drop in the coin and hopefully some fall, he got 21 tickets one time and 44 the next!  I did it and only got 1 or 2....We then went to the playground.  Milo loved going down the slide with Kalei!  As you can see, it was extremely windy.  Somehow I always get awesome shots of Kalei's hair going sideways!
Kalei-bug riding on Uncle Jesse's shoulders, and giving some "peace" signs.
My latest cake....a wedding shower cake!  The border was my favorite part!  We have a lot of cake orders this coming week-wish us luck with getting them done!

1 comment:

  1. okay, please tell me that you did not do that free hand. I can't "write" in icing for "poo."
