Happy Monday! We had a not-so-fun weekend, Jesse and I both had strep throat, so Milo had run of the house! He was so good, we think he knew something was up, he wanted to cuddle a lot.

Aunt Justin and Uncle Mickey went to a sale and bought Milo some new toys, which he LOVES! This is a singing Elmo that has a microphone so you can sing along with him. It took Milo no time at all to figure out that Elmo was singing and to put the mic up to his (Elmo's) mouth! He does try to sing along with the songs Elmo sings. They also got him a little guitar that plays Sesame Street songs, so he will hit a button on Elmo and then hold the guitar like he's playing it! He loves to dance and sing! He also hands me a guitar (he has 2) and has me get up and jam with him.

We went for a walk last week and went over the new pedestrian walkway over the St. Joseph River. Milo had a bit of OCD and had to touch each light as he went by! Jesse was counting for him, and of course he decided to stop touching them at 9 instead of 10! After 9 he just took off running!

While we were down at the park we flew a kite! It was Milo's first time and he was so enthralled! He wouldn't hold onto the kite (which was a good thing because the kite probably would've lifted him off the ground!). He did enjoy looking straight up at the kite and tried to jump to get it. If it came down he would run to it and try to pick it up.

Milo looking up at the kite. Don't you love the hair standing straight up in the wind?

Milo, that's not a toilet! The things this kid does with bowls....Notice the awesome socks he is wearing!