Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quick Cold Update

Wow, have we had some snow! I think our house got the least amount of snow out of everyone we know! Saturday morning when Jesse and Milo went out to shovel we had about 18 inches, almost everyone else had over 24 inches! Craziness! It is currently snowing again, and we are under a Lake Effect Snow Watch until 7:00 am Thursday morning.

Lena had her three month check up on Monday morning and she's 13 pounds 6 oz. The nurse measured her length wrong, he said she's 23 inches. Not sure how that's possible since she was 23.5 inches last month...Jesse and I haven't measured her ourselves yet, maybe tonight.

I'm pretty sure Lena's going through a growth spurt, last week I had two days that she ate every two hours. Milo never did this, but he ate closer together than she does, so I was not mentally prepared. I.do.not.care.for.it. I felt like a milk factory and nothing else. Oh well, we made it through and she's still a happy baby, so that's all that matters!

Lena has lengthened her first stretch at night to at least eight hours before she eats and goes back to sleep!

Milo is doing well, I took him to the doctor this morning for a nice cough he has, which he might be on the verge of bronchitis. This doctor doesn't like to just give out drugs, which we greatly appreciate, so she said to give it a day or two go see if it gets better and if it doesn't, then she'll put him on antibiotics. Let's hope it clears up!

Milo is so funny and creative! About a week and a half ago we went down to Jesse's parent's house for dinner and Beatle's Rock Band. Milo wanted to play one of the instruments but we didn't let him because if you do too poorly it quits the song and you have to start over. Milo got a play guitar out of the toy room and played just like he was playing the game! He watched the tv, hit buttons, and jammed right along. He even bowed at the end of the songs. We were all dying! At one point he even brought out my mother-in-law's sewing machine case, told us it was his speaker, and pretended to plug his guitar into it.

There are other stories, but I'm coming up blank at the moment!

Stay warm and safe with all this snow!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


This is a test to see if I can upload this video of Milo with his new bowling game he got for Christmas. He LOVES it!