There's a lot to catch up on! Milo turned 2 on August 21st and on that day we went to Fun-n-Fitness with Mother's & More. Milo ran pretty much non-stop the whole time and had a blast! He FINALLY attempted to bounce down the trampoline, he usually just runs!
Two weeks ago we went over the Megan, Aaron, Hunter, and Hayden's and played on their big waterslide. Milo wouldn't climb up to go down the big slide, but if you put him 2/3 of the way up, he'd slide down.

Milo turning himself onto his stomach to go down the slide.

The night before Milo's birthday we went to Walmart to get some snacks for the boat race that weekend. Well, Milo was running next to the cart and fall, hitting his head on an aisle display, right at the bottom on the corner. I saw the end of him falling, saw the gash, before the blood started coming, scooped him up and walked very quickly to the bathroom. Once Jesse got a wet papertowel on it, the bleeding stopped. We couldn't get the gap to close, so we took him to Med Point and he got it glued together. In this picture you can see a purplish spot up by his hairline, that's the glue. The cut itself is only 1/3 inch long, the doctor just put a ton of glue on. Milo did so well, he hasn't been bothered with it at all! The glue is already off!!!

Milo's final gift was this 3-wheeler that was an awesome buy at a garage sale months back! It has buttons and an adjustable seat and he loves it! He was upset when I told him it had to stay in the garage when he's done playing with it. When it was in the house, though, he would stop and attempt to give Jesse a thumbs up, this was the closest we got to it in a picture.
We had a fun weekend in Celina, Ohio for the Governor's Cup Boat Race that Jesse and Josh ran the boat in. The boat didn't do too well, parts broke on it, but we all had a good time.

Milo taking a nap on Sunday. He needs the headphones because of the loud motors from the boats. While he was asleep on Saturday one boat started up and Milo jerked so hard that Aunt Justin says he almost kicked himself in the head! It was hilarious since he didn't even wake up!

Cei, Milo, and Kalei getting ready to watch Jesse run the boat. This is the best picture I have of the 3 of them (eat your heart out, Grandma!)!

Celina has this huge man-made bass (duh), which is apparently the largest in the world. Surprisingly the mouth was sturdy enough to hold Milo (all 33 pounds of him!).

Jesse running the boat around the track with my father-in-law (John) being a crew chief.

Milo "driving" the boat when we first got there. There was a professional photographer walking around and he took a bunch of pictures of Milo (starting with him in the boat) and I can't wait until he posts those online so we can see how they turned out!
We also got Milo's 2 year pictures taken last night and Target thoroughly impressed me by getting them online 4 hours later! They used to take a week to get online! I only put a few on here, there were 31 to chose from!
Have a great weekend!