Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Apple and Peach Picking!

Happy Wednesday to you! On Saturday we went up to Stover's Farm in Berrien Springs, Michigan, and went apple and peach picking with Harley, Michelle, Lexi, and Bella. The kids did such a good job picking the apples since they were actually on their level.

Once we got home I made a caramel apple pie (delicious!) and two batches of applesauce! Who knows what I will do with the peaches tomorrow, they're extremely ripe and ready to be cooked! I'm thinking peach dumplings.....

When we went over to pick peaches, I missed it, but Jesse and Harley both said that Milo tried three peaches, the first two only getting one bite. On the third, they both saw/heard Milo take a bite and then slurp to try and get all the juice running out! He ate the rest of the peach!

Milo eating the delicious peach.
Milo picking an apple off the tree.

We went to Plymouth on Tuesday night to have dinner with Jesse's Aunt Barb that was visiting from Florida. It was a nice time, good to see her!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Random Things

Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing weekend! We got to celebrate two special birthdays, Kalei turned nine and my grandfather turned 80! Wow!

Milo had another forehead run-in....He fell into the corner of a door at my parent's house today, but he's fine. I figured that it would've been split open, but luckily there's barely a bump! Practically gave me a heart attack, seeing as I saw it all happen!

Here are some pictures from the last week!

This is now how Milo likes to play on the couch. He takes off the back pillows and just relaxes. He thinks it's funny, but doesn't want me to put the pillows back on! They're BIG pillows and take up a lot of floor space!
Milo was in time out one morning and as I was getting his clothes out of the dresser (we were going to the zoo) I heard him say, "out" and he was up like this. He had never climbed out of his crib before, so it was a little surprising. I had JUST snapped this picture when he lost his balance, hit his chin on the rail, and fell to the floor. He bit his lip open (just a smidge) but was fine. He has not tried to climb out again!!!
Milo loves to play with Daddy's guitar. Unfortunately he's figured out that he can drop the pick in the hole. He thinks it's fun because then Mommy has to flip the guitar around until it comes out.
I LOVE decorating for Halloween (all my stuff has been out since the first of September!) and I bought some new pillows, this is my model for the candy corn pillow!
We got the tree taken down in the front yard. This is the one that the storm took down the living part back in June. Here is what the tree (house) looked like when we bought it almost 4 years ago.....
This is what it looks like now. It's amazing the difference when you're used to pulling up to your house with a tree in the front and then pulling up to it without it. :( Do I now get to tell people to pull up to the house without the dead tree in it???? Ha ha ha

Have a great short work week!